Photo Blog

Bed, Bulbs, Bob, Boards, Boxes, Bees, Barrel, Backroom

The “bednette” (convertible bed/dinette) seemed like a good idea at the time. But it wasn’t. The seat-cushions-turned-mattress was never comfortable and despite nearly two years of attempting to acclimate to it, the truth of the matter remains: it was uncomfortable and inconvenient to transform the dining space into the bed space. And the cushions didn’t … Continue reading Bed, Bulbs, Bob, Boards, Boxes, Bees, Barrel, Backroom

Autumn Nature

I have plenty to share about other goings on, but for now… some nature. A volunteer thistle. One of two. They made a lot of seeds… I’d expect many more next year. Some ghostly mushrooms These ethereal fungi appeared overnight, several times through the course of the summer. Speaking of fungi, this little fungus + … Continue reading Autumn Nature