Three years ago, on July 28, 2017, this trailer was delivered.
Two axles, four wheels, four corner jacks, some lights and brakes and aluminum flashing underneath. That’s it.
It’s come a long way since then (pictures chosen to represent various aspects, not all of which are the very latest views in any given direction).
This is about the same view today.
Inside, this is what’s there if you look that way.
Also, there’s this..
And this
And this
And this
And this
And this
And this
It’s been slow and steady all this time… but yeah, it’s really starting to come together now.
About another year to go, I think.
Almost all of it a solo build, actually, though on rare occasion I’ve had in-person helpers. Thanks are due in large part to John, Melissa, Sage, Dan, and Scott, all having contributed labor or brains or both at critical times.
Much more to go. I didn’t come this far to only get this far…