When I say “before anything can be done, something else must first be done”, THIS is what I mean. Behold: the dependency diagram for installing the tub in the HomeBox. This diagram is a work in progress and is not complete. Also, the things that are *already* done upon which tub installation depends are not shown.
Dependencies come in many shapes and sizes. There are things that directly affect the successful installation. There are things that installation of the tub would *prevent* and thus must be done first because they can’t be done after, even though they have nothing to do with the tub per se.
And this is why I am spending today drawing this drawing. The last thing I want is to finish one thing only to have to undo it so I can do another thing that doing the thing I just did prevents the doing of.
Many of these issues do not present in an on-grid, conventionally sized house. Things are readily routed around each other and one doesn’t worry about things like “the tub is 1 inch from the wall, so everything that happens on the wall has to happen before the tub”. You have no idea how many things happen on the wall. It’s everything you think happens on the wall PLUS everything you think happens *in* the wall, because nothing happens in my walls except insulation. I did that on purpose to (a) maximize insulation and (b) make it easier to service utilities since it will be very hard to get to things in the walls once the rest of the house is built out. It does, however, have the consequence that I must consider the routing of all things as I consider all the living and utility spaces.