2018-08-05. At long last, the rear wall is sided! This completes the siding job! This wall and the one around the corner need to be stained before I can just leave it to the weather, but for sure the hard part of the exterior is done.
There are a bunch of little gaps and such that need to be filled (after the stain, so if I accidentally smear filler on the siding, the sealer in the stain will help me remove it) and still some minor things to do on the roof (I found a few more issues with the trim at the top when I was up there nailing in siding), but all the really hard stuff for the exterior is done. This has been a long time coming!
So… how much more work until the exterior is REALLY done? Probably one weekend day, give or take, or several evenings. In relative terms, I’m really close, though in actual terms, there are still several hours to go.
And how much siding was left over, after all the off-cuts, mistakes, and of course the actual siding? LESS THAN ONE BOARD. Which is of course perfect.
I have a little project brewing for a bunch of the triangular off-cuts (an unavoidable consequence of installing the siding at an angle). I am making squares out of them and then hope to incorporate them as decorative elements in front door. We shall see.