I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before… sometimes when I’m building things, I hide little blessings or wishes. Here’s the back of a little piece of siding.
And it lives right next to the door.
… and that little piece of siding goes here, to the right of the door. Who doesn’t want a little love infusing the portal to their home?
And no, that’s not the official door, of course.
🙂 I will be fabricating the door later. This just keeps the weather and the wild things out while I’m building.
Finally, the tall side (technically the “front” in as much as this is where the people door is) is fully covered in siding! This was a lot of ladder work, as you might imagine. You can also see the light ports starting to take form here.
Another view showing the light ports a little better. They are actually already cut out — that green board is fitted from the inside to take the place of the glass blocks until the staining job is done. It’s easier than masking off the glass and I need to work on some of the details of the ports anyway, so the glass would actually be obstructive right now.
Those little squares are about 7″, for scale, and they follow the ascent of the staircase to the cozy loft.
Where do you put your nail gun when you have two hands busy installing siding and otherwise doing your best not to fall from your ladder? You hang it on the paint can hook, of course, with the help of a length of accessory rope. It’s not exactly convenient, since getting the rope onto the hook takes some finesse, but it sure beats trying to find a place to put the nail gun while otherwise engaged up there — or going back to ground level to fetch it every time!
For the astute – yeah, that’s duct tape on the nose of the nail gun! The rubber foot that used to be there died and went to contractor’s heaven after 16 years of service. I didn’t want the pointy bits denting my siding, though, so I put several courses of duct tape on the nose to buffer it. It mostly worked. Now, if only I could actually find the model number of this thing so I could get a replacement part.